Post by Isolde Shadow on Feb 8, 2011 13:03:14 GMT -5

A different world.
Three countries.
Two created by humans, one by Unnaturals.
The Unnaturals, beings such as vampires and werewolves, reigned once only in Nychta, the most powerful country of the three due to the fear it created. Salthanat and Kanxira at the beginning of history only held humans as citizens, but as wars and bloodsheds became too many to afford with lives and money, they formed a Treaty.
The Great War
One hundred and twenty years ago, the Great War ended. All three countries participated in it, emptying half of their population. Small and rare pacts were made between species during the war, all because they wanted to survive and destroy. The war lasted 15 long years. The leaders of the countries decided that it was too much, that it would only end when everyone was dead. They declared a truce and signed the Treaty.
The Treaty
It stated that humans and unnaturals alike could live in the land of their choice, as long as they respected and followed the laws of the desired place. If a war as large as that one ever erupted again, only two countries could fight against each other. Over a hundred years have passed since the war, but not everyone is pleased with this…
The Ancient Clan
An ancient and honorable clan, the Elek, dedicated the lives of its members as protectors of their countries. They specialize as hunters of criminal Unnaturals. The Eleks are divided into groups, or better called teams, and they are all formed by all kinds of species:humans, vampyr, lycans... Each team can decide where to work or for whom, as some are in the service of Royalty. They work for the safety, peace, of their countries and honor, but some began to have different ideals...
The Different Clan
The Gelidus. They originate from the Elek clan. Two hundred years before the Great War a dispute emerged inside the Elek clan. Some members were exiled and hunted and they created their own clan. They are those that unlike the Eleks want to hunt and kill everyone that possesses too much power and seems like a threat for them. Also, they search ways to grow in power. Their goals are to become a powerful clan and eventually take over a country, and fear nothing.
The Rest of Prisbath
The Unnaturals have issues of their own. Vampires, Weres, Lycans, Elves, Veneficus… They don’t all get along well. Secretly some fight to prove who is strongest, kill humans, and search their way to greatness. But those that are part of the Eleks, they respect all races.
But love, blood and treason hide in every corner. The Royal families struggle to keep their countries and people at peace.